Letter: We need out of EU now
David Cameron's message to Shropshire means nothing.
He's revamped the Cabinet a bit to show that he's not really a mouse but it seems to me that he's just re-arranging the deckchairs while the ship sinks – he's substituting activity for action.
The one thing he could do is resolutely ignored except for vague token lip-service which he hopes will win the next election.
While we're in the European Union he can do precious little about immigration, legal or otherwise – even assuming that our border guards are up to their job.
While we're in the EU we're paying, figures vary, but 50-60 million pounds each day.
We get some of that back, if we match it, but only to spend where we're told and with various strings attached.
Mr Cameron is trying to sell us the idea of the new HS2 rail route between London and Birmigham – no mention of the fact that it's the EUs requirement and we have no choice but to obey.
I've seen no mention of the fact that other EU countries have subsidised dairy industries, hence our industries are being destroyed by cheap imports.
If we left the EU we could decide our own laws again – and not have the European Court of Justice standing-by to allow appeals from our criminals and illegal immigrants.
If we left the EU it wouldn't matter that Tony Blair gave away Maggie Thather's hard-won rebate, we'd get it all back to spend as we wish.
Our farmers could farm their land properly, with no foreign interference.
The fact remains, as always, that the EU is killing this country but no-one has yet come up with a single reason to retain it – apart from the gravy train, that is.
A J Astley