Letter: Shropshire broadband is still slow
Over recent months the Shropshire Star has published quite a number of articles stating how fast the internet is in the county.
Various places have high speed connections, including Shrewsbury, but this is not true for a good many people, and not only the rural areas.
It has been stated that in country areas they have to put up with a 2mb connection at best. Well, I live within a five-minute walk of Shrewsbury Police Station and would love a 2mb connection. I have never seen better than 1.60mb.
The situation is further confused as BT has fitted three roadside cabinets in the area which proudly boast stickers saying High Speed Fibre optic broadband is here. Not true. I checked the BT website and it says not available in my postcode.
I have a further annoyance as my ISP, gives my active speed as 4.75mb at present. Definitely wrong, as any video content downloaded goes into buffering mode very swiftly.
So, not only are the rural areas suffering, we townies are no better off. If you want a good unbiased check of your speed try the speed checker on thinkbroadband.com, it also has a map facility to show 'slow/not spot' areas of coverage.
D Lawrence