Shropshire Star

Letter: UK too soft on criminals

A recent survey stated that 80 per cent of the crime in the UK was committed by a relatively small number of repeat habitual criminals.


One has to ask why and what is our justice system going to do about it?

It appears that our current penalties are no deterrent for these criminals who look on prison as an occupational hazard, especially nowadays with all the luxuries they receive whilst incarcerated.

I, for one, am in favour of the system operated in some parts of the USA: Three strikes and you are out. Three convictions and you are locked up for good, no probation and no release.

Just think what a deterrent that this would be to prospective criminals and how quickly we could reduce the crime by the 80 per cent in the UK.

This would enable citizens to walk the streets in safety and be secure in their homes.

Another part of the US system I like is that judges are elected by the people. Just think if we had that system we could remove the pussy-footing judges who give repeat offenders a slap on the wrist for the umpteenth time.

I don't think, however, that this will happen as there are too many do-gooders in the UK looking after the criminals' (not the victims') human rights and the Government would not have the courage – especially with our masters in Europe breathing down their necks.

I suppose, therefore, that we will have to put up with these criminals laughing at our criminal justice system.

Graham Burns


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