Shropshire Star

Letter: Badger cull is not only action on bovine TB

Culling is just one of a range of measures the Government is taking to arrest the increase in bovine TB cases.


A number of scientists have offered their opinion on the Government's policy of culling badgers as part of a package of measures to reverse the sharp rise in TB in cattle.

We have great respect for the scientists involved and believe there is broad agreement on the science underpinning the Government's policy – that badger culling can result in an overall beneficial effect on the disease in cattle.

This aligns with the view expressed last year by a specially convened meeting of scientific experts to discuss the issue, including several of the scientists who signed the open letter criticising the Government's policy.

Government policy is based on sound analysis of 15 years of intensive research.

Critics are not able to cite new scientific evidence or suggest an alternative workable solution for dealing quickly with this rising epidemic.

Culling is just one of a range of measures to arrest the increase in new bovine TB cases, including intensifying testing to remove infected cattle, tighter cattle movement controls, guidance to farmers on stopping badgers from contacting cattle, and further research into vaccination.

Professor Ian Boyd and Nigel Gibbens


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