Shropshire Star

Letter: A miserly rise in pensions

How miserly to give already hard-up pensioners a rise of 38p a day.


The 13 million pensioners in Britain will get a weekly rise of £2.69, this at a time when many pensioners have the stark choice of putting food on their table or the heating on, as they simply can't afford both.

This is at a time when energy and food prices are leaping way above inflation.

Britain's state pension is one of the least adequate in Europe, yet the leaders of this country still insist on pouring billions into the EU project and overseas aid, while sitting back and watching the 'not-so- wealthy' suffer

Each pensioner has a vote. We urge you to make it count and show the ex-public schoolboys who live the high life in Government the exit – by voting them out.


Freedom Democrats Party,


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