Letter: Cyclists need to be insured
Regarding a recent letter from Jon Lakin of Shrewsbury, calling drivers 'clowns' and 'muppets 'because of their attitude towards cyclists. Some drivers deserve these titles, but not particularly because of cyclists.

The letter brought to mind something a good friend told me recently.
He was walking down Wyle Cop and at the bottom traffic was stopped by the traffic lights, where the lanes are very narrow.
A cyclist rode beside the car on the nearside, scraping a large scratch into the side of the vehicle. Quite a few hard words were exchanged.
The car driver demanded the cyclist's name and address to get payment for the damage.
The cyclist continually refused, implying that the driver was too near the kerb.
The driver rapidly put his foot through the spokes of both wheels of the bike, jumped into his car and drove off.
The cyclist, too surprised to even get the registration number, asked my friend if he had noticed it. My friend laughed in his face.
Later he passed the cyclist carrying his bike along Abbey Foregate.
Another good reason for cyclists to be insured.
Please Jon Lakin, admit some cyclists are muppets and idiots as well. Including those riding two abreast.
Harry Morris