Shropshire Star

Letter: We are all European

I have just read a letter under the heading 'We are not Europeans', from Val Duncan of Telford.


The letter tries to use the fact that we British are so special that we should stay out of Europe.

Well, we are special, very special, and that is because of the mixture of mainly European nationalities within our make-up.

To illustrate my point let us go back to AD43 when this island was conquered by the Romans (who were from Italy).

After some 400 or 500 years Rome withdrew its army and in came the Vikings, Saxons, the Angles, the Jutes and anybody else who felt like it – until 1066, when the Normans came and took over.

So since then for 900-plus years we have been interbreeding with all of these European nationalities plus many other minorities who came here seeking fairness and opportunity, mainly from Europe again.

The letter makes special mention of our wonderful Magna Carta. Well, we should remember that this was forced on King John by the Norman barons.

So, taking into account the vast number of European genes in our make-up, not only are we British and rightly very proud of it but, like it or not, we are the most European of any single European national.

Don Ball, Telford

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