Letter: Beware of the potholes
May I please pass on my thanks to the two people who stopped to ask if I was all right after my accident with potholes.
I was in Hazles Road, Stanton, having collected my children from after-school club, and on my way back down towards the A53 to go home to Shawbury, when my car hit two large and deep potholes and burst both tyres and damaged both wheels.
We were all very shocked, especially the children.
I would like to say a special thank you to Paul Brisbourne, from Hodnet Medical Practice, who stopped to change the one tyre for me (he had also gone down the potholes but his van was unscathed.
It wasn't until I came to drive the car home with my husband, whom I had phoned to come and help me, following that we realised the other tyre was burst, too.
I did report it to the police and the highways department of Shropshire Council. I was lucky, a cyclist or motorcyclist won't be. We have been out this morning to look again at them.
It's ok, there's a cone on top of one of them so you can see them.
Teresa Tanner