Shropshire Star

Letter: Let Muslims in Oswestry pray

It was with dismay that I read of the BNP's plans to campaign against the establishment of a mosque in Oswestry (December 3).


I can appreciate the objections to an Islamic centre near Ground Zero in New York and a 'mega mosque' near the Olympic Park in London, but this is just a religious community looking to acquire their own premises for worship.

The principle of religious toleration is a very important one. As the much-maligned Oliver Cromwell once said: "The State, in choosing men to serve it, takes no notice of their opinions. If they be willing faithfully to serve it, that satisfies."

  • BNP threat over plan for new Oswestry prayer centre

Muslims who are law-abiding citizens should not be harassed but allowed to practise and propagate their religion freely.

I write as a Bible-believing Christian who does not accept the claims of the prophet Muhammed. The New Testament insists that Jesus is the eternal Son of God who died and rose again to save sinners, all of which is strongly repudiated in the Qur'an. I disagree with Muslims on these points but I respect their right to worship.

Does it matter that the property in question used to be a church? No, as the church is a company of God's people, not a building. I am more concerned about the reason it closed in the first place: Was the authentic gospel loved, adhered to and shared with outsiders? I don't know.

I note the Oswestry Muslim Society has members in Welshpool, where I live. I would like to meet them to find out what we have in common, as well as to discuss our basic differences.

Oliver Gross


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