Shropshire Star

Letter: PCC deputy job a disgrace

Bill Longmore has, despite hardly anyone voting for him, employed his buddy as his assistant.


You would have thought that given the voter apathy he would at least have waited until he'd actually made his mark and proven that he is worth it.

He is earning £75,000 per annum, I believe, as well as collecting a police pension all paid for by the long suffering taxpayer.

Our household income is only £20,000 gross per annum, Mr Longmore.

We can never get a police officer to come out when we need one either. Perhaps if he had at least tried to help the decent hard-working people who pay both his wage and his pension I might not feel so aggrieved.

Here's a novel idea; from now on any retired public servant drawing a full taxpayer-funded pension should only be allowed to take another public sector job at a prohibitively high rate of tax, say 85 per cent.

For far too long there has been a revolving door for these over-paid people.

They retire much younger than ordinary people and promptly move straight into another lucrative post. This not only bleeds the taxpayer dry but also means that other people don't get a chance at these good jobs.

I didn't vote this time and I most certainly will never bother in the future. It's an absolute disgrace.

Lesley Oliver


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