Letter: Is society really fair?
With food banks being opened all across the country, fuel poverty and homelessness rising, the disabled being hit and the poor paying more than the rich, is this a fair society just for the few?
MPs who are gaining expenses, as well as a good paid job, are there to represent the people who voted them in, but they just follow the party line and ignore the voters who looked up to them for help.
Not one Tory MP in Shropshire has come out to denounce these cuts to the poorest in our society. They are busy voting to shut down Remploy and putting more disabled people on the scrap heap.
These posh boys in power know nothing about how an ordinary person lives on a daily basis, on a limited income, with wages being frozen while the managers and others get more.
What next? Workhouses and soup kitchens?
Thatcher's dream of going back to Victorian values are coming true through this Government.
Millions of pounds go to other countries in aid, who will give us aid?
J Russon