Letter: Solution to Shrewsbury traffic woe
Having lived most of my life in Shrewsbury, and still making frequent visits to the town, my concern relates to the correspondence in the Shropshire Star regarding the traffic situation in the town centre.
The suggestion, by Shropshire Council, to put a speed limit of 20mph is so ludicrous because the traffic is already travelling through the centre no faster than the proposal.
The object of 'limiting the amount of traffic' does not make sense.
Some of the time the traffic is stationary anyway and what about the pollution it causes?
To improve the conditions for the pedestrians and shoppers the through traffic must be diverted and leave the centre traffic free.
This is the proposal:
1) Divert all north-bound traffic from the English Bridge up Beeches Lane (Town Walls), and make Wyle Cop one way to allow south-bound traffic access to the English Bridge.
The exit from Town Walls can either be down St John's Hill into Bellstone and along Barker Street to reach the A458 at the Welsh Bridge, or along St Chad's Terrace down Claremont Bank to meet the A458 in Bridge Street.
2) Close the High Street to traffic from the top of Wyle Cop through the bottom of Pride Hill and down past Mardol Head to Bellstone.
I am sure the proposed arrangement would certainly be to the advantage of shoppers, and encourage more people to visit the town.
It could also prevent road accidents.
Bryan Weaver, Gnosall, Stafford