Shropshire Star

Letter: Just one in four back foreign aid

Reports say just one in four people support David Cameron and his obsession with dishing out billions of pounds in foreign aid – taxpayers' cash that is. But 60 per cent feel the cash donated abroad is wasted.


Mr Cameron is very generous in giving away 'our' cash overseas, while our own people struggle and our elderly have to sell their homes in their twilight years to pay for care.

Mr Cameron must sit in his office, saying 'oh, the people of Britain are generous folk – they won't mind'.

The people of Britain are generous – but times are tough, and charity begins at home.

But Mr Cameron is deluding himself. The people of this country no longer trust politicians to ensure our donations are spent wisely, by the countries receiving them.

That's because of the shameful history of our aid enriching foreign crooks and politicians, or funding Indian space missions.

Our taxes rise – to fund Mr Cameron's obsession with foreign aid.

G B Dipper, Freedom Democrats Party, Leominster

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