Shropshire Star

Letter: Nice work for some

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Just what do all those highly paid 'executives' employed at Shirehall find to do all day?


To put it mildly, your front page headline exposing the obscene payments amounting to £327,000 to yet another 'consultant' made my hackles rise.

As a hard-pressed council taxpayer, I was given to believe that the reason our highly paid council officers command such phenomenal remuneration, is that they are 'the best' and as such have been headhunted to administer the council's affairs prudently and within a diminishing budget.

With this in mind I find it quite perverse that they then spend such huge sums to buy in external expertise to tell them how to save money.

I see that the consultant concerned on this occasion 'was not available for comment'.

As I sit here shivering, I can visualise him lazing on a palm-strewn beach somewhere exotic, basking in well earned opulence.

As your headline plainly put it: 'Nice work if you can get it'.

A J Willetts

Craven Arms

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