Letter: David Cameron needs to get a grip and make this country great again
I just cannot believe Mr Cameron is closing our police stations to save £20 million when he has opened our borders, yet again, to allow unrestricted immigration into this overcrowded country.
We already have thousands claiming benefits who should not be here. We need more police, not less.
The money he thinks he is saving will just about pay for the benefits these immigrants will need to be housed and fed.
How is this helping this country? He is sending millions to help the third world countries when we have thousands of our own people living in the streets.
I have worked since I was 16. There were no benefits – if you did not work, you went without. My mother scrubbed steps to earn money to pay the rent, yet, people coming in, who have never paid in one penny, are taking out what has been earned by the taxpayers of this country.
My husband and I worked hard to save enough money to buy our first home, and it breaks my heart to see my children and grandchildren working so hard to pay taxes that will go to people who most likely will never work in this country. Why should they? It is given to them on a plate, no wonder they want to come here.
Mr Cameron, if you save money by taking our much-needed services, stop giving it away. Spend it here on more nurses, doctors, and police. Insist on immigrants having a qualified skill, a job to go to and enough money to support themselves and their families, and pay their way. This nonsense about having no passports is solved by not accepting them into the country.
This country does not need any more scroungers, and the ones that are here should be found and sorted out.
This country has had enough of people flooding in, wanting something for nothing, and is like a boiling pot, that will soon explode.
Enough is enough, get out of the EU, let this country be great again. Get a grip before it is too late.
R Walker