Letter: Run-down Telford estate no longer a desirable place to live
I am ashamed of where I live. I have lived at my present address for 30 years. When we first moved here, it was the place to live.
Now Telford is a different place. It has become progressively worse.
Over the years we have had a drug dealer living in the street. Then came what I would describe as the problem families. These are families who have no thought for their neighbours and very selfishly do as they wish.
We have had our property damaged, our vehicle damaged and the street and estate is now in disrepair. We have neighbours that party all night at weekends and a persistent drink-driver.
Children have broken into cars and the authorities are limited to what action can be taken because of their ages.
I recently found four children damaging my property and when I went to take a look I was greeted by lots of swearing.
We have found syringes in the street and many of the houses are run down. There are only three houses in the street where families have lived here for the same length of time as us. All the other families have moved on.
The road outside our house is full of potholes, litter and gardens unkempt. We would love to move but we are on such a low wage we cannot afford to move.
I feel aggrieved that having worked all our lives we cannot afford to move and there are families in our street who have never worked and are given houses.
Our quality of life has deteriorated and we are unhappy at where we live. We are no longer happy living here and feel trapped.
We have worked all our adult life and have paid our taxes and now feel let down. Our street, or indeed our estate, is not the same place it used to be.
A Jones