Shropshire Star

Letter: Open more police stations - don't close them

I have to voice my thoughts on the police cost-cutting exercise. I feel that this is not the area we should be cutting down on given the violence of today's society.


We should be opening more not less police stations.

The possible closure of the (new) Battlefield centre should not be happening as we will be losing local knowledge sorely needed in an emergency situation, this is akin to placing call centres in India.

Mr Longmore stated that the staff should not have found out through Facebook about their possible redundancies, and that it will not happen again.

He would not be so cavalier had it been his job on the line, his mortgage, his family to suffer, his long term prospects in doubt to wait with hands tied until 2015.

He seemed to think that it was acceptable.

News Sir, it is not.

Mrs Julia Okal


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