Letter: Green enforcement will hit refinery jobs
The latest brainless idea which both the Labour and Liberal Democrat parties will fully support is to force all oil refining companies in the EU to spend millions of pounds improving their 'green' credentials at their refineries.
This will place an additional cost to the refining process which in turn will be passed on to the consumer irrespective of if you drive or not as soap etc. is obtained from oil.
What can be expected is that France, Germany and several other EU states will do as they usually do when they do not approve of a EU regulation and that is to ignore it while our spineless UK politicians will just 'roll over' and accept it.
The EU officials have not considered that countries such as India and other Asian states have "up to date" refineries with excess capacity and can refine oil at a fraction of what it costs in Europe.
The result will be most certainly in the UK for oil companies with refineries here to gradually run down production at those refineries and send their crude oil the short sea trip from the Middle East across the Indian Ocean to countries such as India where the refining costs are much lower and then import the finished product placing thousands of UK workers to join the job queue and reducing the amount of tax the government receives.
R Knight, Hollinswood