Letter: Turbine decision will help cut our reliance on power stations
I would like to thank the people that wrote in to the Shropshire planning committee in support my application for a farm scale wind turbine at Lea Hall, Ash Parva, to make my business carbon neutral, this was granted in full.
It was good to see that common sense prevailed, and that the majority of the north Shropshire planning committee supports farming and green energy production. It was just a shame that my previous application, which also provided a community turbine for local people to engage with, was viewed as "over development", but I take that on board, and respect their decision.
I hope in time that the objectors to my turbine, will realise that energy security for this country must take many forms, be it renewable, gas, or nuclear.
It is important that we have a mix of these energy sources, to avoid us becoming over reliant on one type of energy production. I for one welcome the various government incentives to allow small businesses and individuals to engage, and contribute to our energy requirements.
Lea Hall will now become a carbon neutral business, and put energy back into the grid to supply local homes. This will have the effect of reducing the strain on an over-stretched electricity infrastructure, and help reduce our reliance on energy produced by Co2 emitting power stations.
I take very seriously the effect of global warming and man's contribution to this, and intend to do my bit to effect a change; we are just custodians of this earth, and at this juncture it is up to us as individuals, as well as governments, to do what we can.
I realise that some people view turbines as visually intrusive, but at the end of its useful life it will be dismantled and recycled, at no cost to the taxpayer. This will prevent our landscape from being littered by unwanted and unproductive structures, which is not the case with many other developments that have reached the end of their natural life.
Peter Taylor, Lea Hall Farm, Ash Parva