Letter: It's time to tackle the harsh tasks that face Britain today
An excellent letter from Tom Williams regarding the economy; my generation was taught to put money away in the good times for a rainy day, not borrow more.
He fails to mention the Brown/Balls raid on private pension funds of £5 billion per annum nor the Governor of the Bank of England standing idly by.
Cameron inherited a financial disaster, no money in the till was Labour's passing shot! What has happened since has alienated a Tory voter of 50 years, when Cameron jumped into bed with Clegg.
The Government three years on has not tackled the social security bill. A wage freeze was required, bonus schemes outlawed, long term projects needing finance shelved, hospitals and schools put in order and public service pension schemes closed.
We should pull out of Afghanistan, we should have stayed out of Libya. Foreign countries rarely appreciate foreign intervention, meanwhile leave Syria and Arab and Moslem worlds to their devices. We should restrict immigration and raise two fingers to the EU if we reject their ideals, if they fine us, refuse to pay – we contribute.
We should also bring soldiers home and protect our borders and restore police numbers. Also cease foreign aid, does any come this way? Hit those who benefit from fruitless inquires. What do these achieve? Bloody Sunday, Iraq, Saville, BBC and Stafford, no heads roll and no changes are implemented but at what cost to you and me?
The Tories came ill prepared to office, a major failing, they do not think things through and change their mind soon after implementation of new systems. Cameron is a poor judge of character and there is no substance on either side of the house. Modern politicians study politics, few have ever made their hands dirty in the real world, and none ever go to war.
John Major sought a return to basics, so should we. Politicians introduce changes for the sake of change, the unitary authority foisted on us a classic example, what has that achieved other than a downturn in services and now we are to have a police centre 60 miles away.
As a recent Shropshire Star headline said, we are to lose the barracks, prison, sorting office, police, fire and ambulance stations. Where do the priorities lie?
Regretfully the only alternative is even worse, Miliband and Balls with Cooper as bridesmaid.
John Mayne, Bridgnorth