Shropshire Star

Letter: Forget managing, take action instead

Politics may well be inferred as personal (choice), however, all politicians are charged with some sort of governance and, therefore, should be accorded with the idea that they are doing their best.


To continually make reference to 'the previous administration' is infantile and wasted energy. The task at hand is merely that. Please allow people to get on with the job.

I do not believe that 'party politics' is necessarily a good thing as it serves to alienate people. Indeed, when it is said that it is a waste of time voting, if the person/party you voted for is unsuccessful then it probably was.

My personal view is that New Labour lacks backbone. Old Labour lost their way, Ukip are failed Tories. Tories are rich boys and wannabes and the Liberal Democrats is a businessman's club that has forgotten what they stood for and will do anything they can to be recognised.

At least we are enduring a time of semi-consensual national politics where no one party can do exactly what it wants. It is a shame that so few of the policies are benefitting the indigenous less well off.

Perhaps more energy could be channelled into doing, instead of managing. After all, when there is nothing left to manage we'll not be needing managers at all.

Although, if that scenario were to occur we may need a steering committee to organise a management structure to secure a successful winding up of the country and ensure that it is sold off to the highest bidder.

Andy Chetwood

Little Dawley

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