Shropshire Star

Letter: The nation's women deserve some thanks

With so few women of backbone in the current cabinet, it's no wonder Iain Duncan Smith and George Osborne are free to implement their misogynous policies with ease.


We now have a situation where women are having to fight against problems their mothers were free from. Legal aid cuts in the family court mean that women may not be able to protect themselves or their children from violence or harm.

The bedroom tax is forcing women to share beds or spaces against their wishes with difficult or ill partners.

For those receiving a benefit income, in 2013 they still have to ask their partner for their share and what if their partner says no? Don't expect the police to arrive at any speed if he's beating her up, they've had their budget cut. As have the CPS and the law courts with their appallingly low conviction rate for sexual violence and rape.

Women who escape the worst of this society can look forward to poor job prospects, the glass ceiling or grinding poverty. These cuts would have been more obvious but for the nation's daughters, mothers and grandmothers feeding the unemployed sanctioned youth, running food banks, soothing the suicidal and generally holding the nation together.

Mr Osborne you owe us a great deal of thanks but I doubt we'll get it, let alone anything to help.

Catherine Walker

Market Drayton

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