Letter: It's time for Shrewsbury to stop the decline and loss of services
If you have breast cancer and are offered a choice of operation either now at Telford or having to wait for a bed at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RHS), you would choose Telford.

Likewise on Telford's website you can have your blood test after fasting between 8-9am. At RSH the doors open at 8.30am to start at 9am.
It seems Telford is a better choice and gaining more than the Royal Shrewsbury.
But how come in all the hullabaloo of moving our flat roofed not up to health and safety standard maternity unit to Telford that a whole unit was miraculously found empty for
Shrewsbury's ENT to move into the building before the building of the much vaunted maternity unit was even begun?
Chairing the Shrewsbury Branch of the League of Friends at the Orthopaedic Hospital at Oswestry for 12 years was a great education in how to run a League of Friends. But what has happened to the RSH branches of Friends let alone the summer fairs?
The setting up of the new town of Telford was like a cuckoo's egg for Shropshire.
Now one by one Shrewsbury's chicks are being pushed out of the nest.
Shrewsbury has seen the Post Office sorting office and Dana prison closed, the barracks shutting down and moving to Donnington.
But to save the services at the hospital all they need to apply for city status to get control of our county hospital. They are almost there.
The so called public consultations were an absolute propaganda exercise and nothing more. Yet more waste of public money by administrators who are already overstaffed. No wonder Telford does not want to amalgamate with Shropshire to become Shropshire County.
The people of Shrewsbury with all their devoted fund raising over many years, certainly expected equality, if not to be the senior partner with the Telford Hospital.
Shrewsbury was the wealthiest town in Britain the 15th/16th century at the time of the Corbet bed, 1593 for which I designed and organised the refurbishment.
Where are Shrewsbury's leaders and defenders now? Will we even have our own County Police HQ after today?
Mrs Margaret Owen