Shropshire Star

Letter: NHS is facing the impossible task of providing care for all

The National Health Service is its own worst enemy. It have more up-to-date cures, advanced medicines, sophisticated machines and new buildings full of modern appliances. It also has skilled and qualified people to operate and administer these things.


None of these things or the wage bill comes cheap. It costs many billions of pounds to operate and many more billions to cover the capital costs.

The NHS is curing countless numbers of people, the death rate is reduced considerably. This is contributing a great deal to the human population explosion. Masses more people will need healthcare. They will be treated all of their lives and many more people will grow old. We will need many more hospitals and care homes.

The resources for the massive demand in healthcare are not being earned. We will be spending more money than we will be earning. We all know that this leads to disaster. The last Labour government tried spending more than we earned. They left the biggest deficit in peacetime history.

Cameron has the unpleasant job of sorting this mess out. The British public has been brainwashed into thinking that it is their right to have free handouts and to be looked after. This encourages them to pester their doctors with minor ailments, not to work and put our country deeper in debt.

Cameron has employed 6,000 more doctors with 6,000 fewer managers.

Free healthcare is an impossible task for Cameron. It will collapse. The rule of the planet is that every species including humans must have natural wastage to make room for every form of life.

The National Health Service is breaking this rule.

Tom Williams

Sutton Hill

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