Letter: Attitude to the EU is negative but it delivers many benefits
Bob Jenkins 'Time for the EU to go' (June 13) is typical of letters that are anti-EU, being full of rhetoric and short on substance, much like the party of 'pub politics'.
Let the EU debate be informed, factual and verifiable, then let people decide.
For example, on June 14 this year the Airbus 350 made its maiden flight. The crew consisted of two British and a French test pilot assisted by flight engineer.
As way of an overview, the French, German and UK governments agree to co-operate in aircraft manufacturing in 1967. The company is now owned by the Franco-German EADS group and employs about 63,000 people. Since its creation, Airbus has so far delivered 7,877 aircraft.
Four main UK design and manufacturing centres are directly involved: Derby and the Rolls Royce Trent XWB (about 40,000 employed in total) uses the Eaton low-pressure fuel system.
Gloucester and the Messier-Bugatti-Dowty (about 6,800 employed in total) manufacturing the landing gear. Bristol (about 4,600 employed) and Broughton (about 5,000 employed) is where the wings are manufactured, 32 metres long by six metres wide, making them the biggest single civil aviation part made from carbon fibre composite.
With 616 aircraft on order at $250 million each, this is potentially 'real' money and built by ordinary people who live normal lives and is based on co-operation.
John Pitchford