Letter: MPs to be congratulated for tackling out-of-control dogs
I strongly disagree with Susan Cambell's letter of July 30. The Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Bill currently being considered by MPs rightly makes out-of-control behaviour by dogs on private property a criminal offense punishable by two years in prison, an unlimited fine and the destruction of the dog.
Susan Cambell is wrong to argue for a defence of having taken reasonable precautions. All dogs' access to gardens should simply be stopped without the owner's direct supervision at all times. It is all well and good Susan echoing the welfare concerns of the RSPCA on this, but if just one dog bite is prevented it will be worth it.
I think it is fantastic that the proposed new law will mean that anyone can report to the police that they were barked at on private property in a way they thought was aggressive and they will know that the dog and its owner will be firmly dealt with.
Owners cannot train dogs to bark according to people's intentions, and so it will put the attitude that a dog barking at trespassers is somehow 'doing its job' in the past. The people who complain that feuding neighbours can put in false reports really need to ask themselves if they should be allowed to keep animals.
It is only a shame that the Government finally caved into pressure and included an exemption from prosecution for dog attacks on trespassers inside dwellings.
These dog attacks cause violence or the fear of violence just the same as dogs barking at or biting trespassers in back gardens, farmyards or outbuildings do.
As the Government has confirmed the latter examples will all be criminalised by the new law why not the former?
Despite what critics of the way the proposal is drafted say, we all know that reports of violence by trespassers are overblown by the media and that material loss through theft or vandalism can simply be insured against.
We have a police force that officially records fewer crimes every year, and people should just rely on them to solve crime. Our MPs should be congratulated for what they are doing.
Tymmy Brown