Shropshire Star

Letter: Parties to take note of Ukip's success and make a stand

I think we could say Ukip's performance in the local and European elections can be viewed as a success.


Both Labour and the Conservatives were equally guilty of conducting an aggressive campaign against Nigel Farage and Ukip supporters.

They attempted to brand Farage and millions of Ukip voters as racist leading up to the elections, they tried to kill debate on certain topics and used some elements of the media to do this.

The general public should view the tactics used by both Labour and Conservatives during this election with suspicion.

Both Labour and the Conservatives have now finally conceded that the issue of uncontrolled immigration from the EU is one of the major issues for Ukip voters and they will now undoubtedly because of the pressure from Ukip, attempt to address it?

How will our politicians address the immigration issue and the many negatives this particular problem brings to the UK? From the driving down of wages the future and lasting employment of all UK citizens, the pressure on our housing and our public services, very little can be done unless we leave the EU.

Farage says it the way it is and he has listened to his supporters and encouraged millions to stand up and be counted. Unfortunately the majority of our politicians in 2014 unlike Farage and some politicians from our past have no backbone and have an inability or possibly the desire to fight the corner for UK citizens on topics which may be viewed in anyway non-PC.

Our crop of airy fairy politicians are far from prepared to take these and many other issues on and much prefer politics at "handbags at dawn style" which has resulted in the mess we as a country now find ourselves in.

This crop of politicians are afraid to take on issues for fear of negative publicity which may have a negative effect on their ever so precious political careers. Did they really join politics to settle for that?

Andrew Finch


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