Letter: NHS should be a border free zone
As a born and bred Salopian I was dismayed to read the letter from Graham Burns "anger over Welsh attitude to A&E", Star, August 28. The National Health Service is for all British citizens, borders are irrelevant.
Your anger should be directed at the trust and Dr Caron Morton who are once again making spurious claims. I recall promises made during 2011 consultations that our A&Es were safe. Also the poor recompense for losing women's and children's services when they promised a refurbished women's zone, midwives and paediatric assessment units ready for July 2011 now shelved. The outcome of A&E and stroke treatment is a foregone conclusion.
I agree with Joy Jones, it is essential that health services should be central in fairness to all Salopians and Powis, even more so when RSH is surrounded by the largest population focussed area in Shropshire.
As opposed to the eastern border less than 30 minutes to RSH and surrounded by nearby hospitals a tiny distance in comparison to most of Shropshire who have no nearby hospitals, travel long distance on rural roads just to reach Shrewsbury, adding 20 miles to long journeys is dangerous and unacceptable.
Health services moved to PRH will benefit the West Midlands region but is detrimental to most Salopians.
A significant number of people from Powys need these services, they have no hospital and are a major contributor to the trust's funds. The inequality of charging for prescriptions and parking is due to our own Government and nothing to do with Powys.
Maureen Parry