Letter: Love is a gift that must be cherished
Valentine's Day is a time that has many people thinking of love.

At a recent funeral we heard of the love that is the greatest gift, a gift freely given to each other and received with great joy, a love that enriches every aspect of our lives.
We pass it on to others, people we like and dislike, even to the point of thinking or saying "I hate you," and acting upon it. It is a love that must have inspired the oath taken by doctors, "First do no harm."
If we all take to heart those four words and add them to the love that means we go beyond that line to wishing others well.
It is a gigantic hope, because for all the years that man has existed there has been conflict.
Conflict from fear, from hunger, from greed, from a lack of understanding, from hatred and even because of love and lust.
Many, many people have a love or belief, respect and fear of a god or gods. Over thousands of years many have fought and continue to fight believing that by doing so they are pleasing the one being they cherish above all others – their god or gods.
They want and believe that all must worship as they do. I was brought up in a religion which, at that time, made me want to die to preserve my religion.
Now, with age, I still love my God, but I want to make Him known to others through holding out a hand of friendship/love to all. It is often hard work, but if it helps people to feel safe it is worth it.
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