Letter: Life on Earth answers plea
There are many ways that this Earth of ours can end. Asteroid strike, gamma ray radiation, Supernova explosion, atomic war to mention but a few. Our solar system is a dangerous place.

If none of these hazards prematurely end our planet then the ultimate end is when the sun runs out of fuel and becomes a red giant. It will engulf the inner planets and destroy the solar system.
The matter that it was made of will be floating aimlessly in space. Eventually gravity will attract it to a passing nebula. The solar system will be integrated into the nebula and its matter will be recycled into a newborn star. We humans are only temporary custodians of the atoms and matter that we are made of.
There are questions that I would like to ask my religious friends. Why would their god create all of this life then snuff it all out? Why would He or She destroy the planet that all of this life lived on?
What will He or She do with the billions of trillions of so-called souls that He or She has and will have accumulated over many billions of years?
Tom Williams, Sutton Hill, Telford