Letter: The few cash in
I do wish that people would stop blaming the previous Government for the financial mess we are in.

It would have been the same whoever was in power. Our economic history has always been boom and bust, and until we have a new system will continue in the same way.
There is more money around now than there has ever been but under the present system it is going into fewer pockets.
Who is going to be brave enough and ask those who have so much to pay a little more to show "we are all in this together"? Not this chancellor, he reduced the tax band for the wealthy and gave them more while at the same time imposing severe cuts to benefits which made life even more difficult for those at the bottom end.
Of course it is easier to take from those who haven't got clever accountants to find all the loop holes for tax evasion than the other way round.
Terry Hillier
Four Crosses