Shropshire Star

Letter: Defences are slashed with Bear on the prowl

Since dodgy Dave threw his rattle out of his pram with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, are we being plunged back into a cold war with Russia which poses the single greatest threat to our security? warns Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond.


Russian Tu- 95 Bear Bombers are making flights close to British air space – RAF fighter jets scrambled to intercept. What happens if someone pushes the wrong button?

Russian warships in the English Channel! Our response? No British warship in UK waters so we send a fishing patrol boat not a frigate or destroyer to confront the Russians.

We have Russian spy boats checking our defences. Now we have Russian submarines off the Scottish coast since dodgy Dave sent our Nimrods, along with most of our warships, to Steptoe's yard we have to rely on an American spy plane to check.

Just last week a Russian submarine was entangled in the nets of a Scottish fishing boat inside British waters. The 65ft Aquarius was dragged along backwards until the nets wrapped around the propeller and got ripped apart causing damage of £10,000. If it had sank would dodgy Dave have blamed the last government like he does for most things? Let's face it he did something Hitler could not do – sank our three aircraft carriers. So with dodgy Dave cutting our defences are we safe in our beds at night?

John and Jackie Pond, Shrewsbury

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