Shropshire Star

Letter: I hope the Tories prove me wrong

I was pleased to see Philip Dunne MP donate two thirds of his gambling winnings to such worthy charities as The British Legion and Joel's Wish (an excellent charity which everyone connected to should feel extremely proud of and many locally are rightly supportive of).


I fear however that the accompanying photo of Mr Dunne collecting his cash presents a metaphor for a wealth-serving Tory Party that has caused irreversible damage to the fabric of our society.

Obsession with privatisation means the remains of our state and public services could now be facing their final days.

It's all about profit over service where public sector jobs are farmed out to agencies and private companies, many at the expense of workers' wages and rights. In our own county Shropshire Council has set up ip&e.

The major remaining element of Atlee and Bevan's great post-war vision is the NHS, which everyone claims to be proud of, yet readily turns their back on its founding principles.

There are private companies bleeding the NHS dry whose slide to privatisation appears inevitable.

Perhaps the Conservatives will be able to prove me wrong, I sincerely hope they do, though no doubt someone will pay a high price.

The "wonderful" Margaret Thatcher once infamously said "there is no such thing as society". "They're (the homeless) casting their problem on society and you know there is no such thing as society," Thatcher talking to Women's Own October 31, 1987.

Yet there are still some of us that refuse to accept her selfish mantra.

Let us hope and pray that Mr Dunne and his new government don't still share Thatcher's evil sentiment.

Name and address supplied

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