Shropshire Star

Letter: Trade is suffering as a result of building work

As a trader on Shoplatch I rely heavily on summer trade.


I am distraught at the effect of the poor planning of the building works on Shoplatch on my business. It has already caused me to have to reduce staff hours and I now hear that the road will be dug up on two of the busiest Sundays of the year.

I will have to close on those days. Can I expect compensation for my loss of income? My takings may be very small potatoes in relation to the cost of the project but they are make or break to me.

I cannot believe that no allowance has been made in the costings to recompense us, neither can I believe that the person responsible for the organisation of the project still has a job. He/she should be made to pay me directly for the effect their poor judgment has had on my business, my health and my well being. A complete idiot could see that the Claremont Street option for access was the far more sensible option.

My trade is currently 50 per cent down on the same time last year, despite my working seven days a week and staying open later in an effort to maximise trade. If this continues into June, I worry about the viability of my business. Perhaps the person who decided that this project should take place over the busiest trading months of the year, despite there being little demand for the accommodation, could write to my landlord offering to pay my rent for me?

Gwen Burgess, Darwins, Shrewsbury

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