Shropshire Star

Letter: Better for the baths to make way for a hotel

I write in relation to the subject of what to do with Shrewsbury swimming baths. Why are certain people so adamant in believing that the baths has a real future in its current location? It's simple, it doesn't!


The front page of the Shropshire Star on Monday, July 27, stated that the current position helps footfall in the town. It probably does in a small way, however imagine a 400 room hotel with 800 people staying, employing 150 people for weddings overlooking The Quarry, now that's footfall.

The fact is the county town needs a large leisure pool for the younger generation to enjoy along with the facilities that the swimming clubs need. We have a fantastic set up at the sports village which is well used and this is the ideal location for the new pool for more reasons than just location and cost.

The current town centre location is not suitable and puts many potential users off and if we are not careful we, as a town will end up loosing out again to Telford who have far better vision and investment than what I regret to say some in Shrewsbury have.

Shrewsbury must start moving with the times and look at the future and the children in it.

Richard Morris


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