Shropshire Star

Letter: Silence on A&E

A recent correspondent, Chris Lemon, commented recently on the wait and see stance taken by MP Daniel Kawczynski towards A&E provision in Shropshire.


At least Mr Kawczynski has expressed an opinion on several occasions, unlike the MP for North Shropshire, Owen Paterson who has barely raised his head above the parapet regarding A&E provision.

Mr Paterson is keen to express his opinion on EU matters, but doesn't seem too anxious about A&E.

No-one seems to be considering the position of people in the north and west of the county.

Those of us who live in Oswestry have no A&E provision at all, apart from a minor injuries unit, which is staffed by nurses, who do a good job, but are no substitute when it comes to life-threatening situations.

Chris Lemon mentions a round trip journey from Shrewsbury to Telford of 25 minutes. Well, Chris, for Oswestrians, your round trip of 25 minutes is a doddle compared to a one-way trip to RSH of 25/35 minutes and then add on the time from Shrewsbury to Telford, if A&E goes to PRH. Add on the time you you might have to wait for an ambulance, and the so-called golden hour is lost.

Mr Paterson, speak up for your constituents. You were returned to Parliament with an increased majority so represent us as you are supposed to do.

A M Forbes


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