Shropshire Star

Letter: Government is all at sea on immigration

It beggars belief that all that our Government can come up with regarding the problem of illegal immigrants, and taking into account the mess that is now spreading all over Europe, is a feeble threat that any caught working illegally will face a jail term of six months.


I wonder what clever person thought that one up?

We have what is a total political nightmare, thanks to the foresight of Mr Bush and Blair and the ill-advised attack on Iraq and the removal of Saddam Hussein. Isis hold sway both there and in Syria, making the immigrant problem worse.

They say what goes around comes around, and our government is a major contributor of that. Greece and Italy have been inundated with boatloads of immigrants they have had to save from drowning and apparently Europe has had to make the decision for all of us that all member states must take their quota.

It's all very sad, and we all feel sorry for them but Britain unlike Germany, France and others who is larger and less diversely populated. They have more room than us. Germany has a population of 80 million, France 66 million, while our little island already has a population of 63 million.

Six months in prison would, I'm sure suit the immigrants nicely. A roof over their heads, three meals a day, and all at the expense of the good old British taxpayer.

M Eddies


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