Letter: Worries over BBC's future
I am concerned about the committee that the Government has appointed to oversee the renewal of the BBC charter.
All of those that David Cameron has appointed to this committee are anti-BBC and therefore there is unlikely to be a free, fair and just outcome to their deliberations.
There is considerable concern that they wish to make the BBC a subscription-based broadcaster, which will cause great hardship to a vast number of pensioners.
There are also the utterances coming from Government sources saying that commercial broadcasters and newspaper companies should be taking away the profitable parts of the BBC to make themselves profitable.
The BBC does use its commercial arm to sell a lot of its products worldwide and this goes back into subsidising other parts of the BBC. The BBC is the only media company that can take on and challenge companies over product and services shortfalls in delivery.
We are also concerned that the government which gave the over 75-year-olds a free licence is now proposing that this service be paid for out of BBC licence revenuewill be a cut to its income and not paid for by the government.
It seems that because the BBC is not a Tory mouthpiece, they will do anything to get rid of it as a body that is funded for the nation.
Robert Murray, Sutton Hill