Shropshire Star

Letter: Advice for MP Owen Paterson

Poor Owen Paterson. "Bullied" by leaders of green organisations who want to limit breeding, burning, building and business?

Owen Paterson

But hold on – Owen Paterson also praises "eco-modernism" and countries which have reduced the amount they consume as they grow – which are the result of the work of green organisations he's criticising.

I think he's a little confused.

Let me help. Far from being anti-technology, the Green Party would double spend on scientific research. A lot of that would go towards the renewable energy that will help us use less oil and less gas for each increment of economic growth, which Owen Paterson is so pleased about.

You're welcome.

And we're not proposing to curtail building, either, as Owen Paterson thinks. Last election we campaigned to build 500,000 homes over the course of the next parliament, a figure that was scoffed at right up until last week, when the (Conservative) Housing Minister said he wanted to build one million in the same time frame.

Now we're confused.

Anti-business? The Green Party would give space to recover this country's manufacturing industry by making imports (via the CO2 they produce) more expensive, because I admit he's right in this respect, we're not very keen on burning.

This Government has given tax breaks to hard-up oil companies (but don't call them a subsidy), guaranteed £2 billion of public money towards a nuclear power station (but don't call it a subsidy) and then has the temerity to accuse the renewable sector of not being able to stand up for itself. (Something it would certainly be able to do in just a few years if given the right support in its growth stages.)

Britain could be leading the world in a high-technology sector that is guaranteed to grow but it won't with people like Paterson at the controls.

I hope Mr Paterson doesn't feel too bullied by me.

Us Greens don't like to trample on delicate flowers so I've tried to be gentle.

I can only assume he's hoping he'll be long gone before the problems of climate change start to manifest significantly.

Peter Hawkins

Spokesman Telford & Wrekin

Green Party

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