Shropshire Star

Letter: Much fuss about VW

Well ok, VW were naughty by fiddling emission tests by fitting dodgy software, however let's be honest and say – are we unduly bothered by it?


I can remember the times (I bet many others can as well) when I have taken my car for an MOT test and did an extra lap round the block just to burn off any oil fumes that may have been exiting the exhaust pipe.

I can recall watching the examiner shove the emission tester rod up the exhaust and quietly had my fingers crossed that the extra lap had successfully managed to burn off any excess fumes, watching in delight as he wrote out a new MOT certificate.

I bet just like myself, many others have gone to a VW showroom to purchase a new or used car, and on finding the car we liked, did we turn to the sales rep and say "excuse me, can you tell me the emission readings for this car". Did we heck as like.

We probably said "how much can you do this car for?" followed by "does it need road tax?" followed by "how many free services will you include?" quickly followed by "how far will it go on a gallon?". Nowhere in the conversation are emissions asked for and they are never discussed.

VW still make the best selection of cars worldwide so why all the fuss?

Peter Guildford, Calverhall

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