Shropshire Star

Letter: Don't hire a tutor to pass 11-plus exam

If you think your child needs a tutor, try Guinea Pig Education's English workbooks first. Written at the kitchen table by an experienced tutor, they contain all the concepts a child needs to pass an 11+ exam.


Yes, we can honestly say that the material in these books has been used over and over again, to gain children places in their chosen independent school. We don't stop there, for older children, we have a concise guide for children sitting their GCSEs. As a parent you may not be sure what kind of standard your child needs to reach in writing to pass say 11+ exams. In Guinea Pig Education books you will find examples written by A+ pupils.

You will see the kind of topics they may be asked to write on, the structure of a typical essay, opening sentences, settings, beginnings, middles and different endings. More than this, parents will see the kind of language a child needs to impress the examiner.

These books teach children to use an impressive array of higher vocabulary, using powerful adjectives, adverbs and verbs. They show the child how to use stylistic language techniques at each leve. Of course, children are shown how to use good grammar, spelling and punctuation.

Ask yourself, do I need to pay out for a tutor, when I can work through these books with my child and get the same results? S

ally and Amanda Jones, Guinea Pig Education

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