Shropshire Star

Letter: Libraries are vital

The Friends of Bridgnorth Library write to express their concerns following the recent, much reported approval of plans which will inevitably result in closure or privatisation of libraries across the county.


This decision can only be regarded as a misconceived and retrograde step. The quoted saving of £1.1 million would have a negligible impact on the council's £100 million budget reduction target, but a huge detrimental effect on the communities our libraries serve.

Our libraries are a public asset, not a liability to be disposed of or privatised via a commissioning policy. Driven by qualified management and staff they are multi-use hubs and meeting places offering the key to learning for all ages. They provide a cost-effective, value for money service for both Shropshire Council and visitors alike.

The Friends of Bridgnorth Library urge Shropshire Council cabinet members to urgently re-think this flawed proposal and to consult with the public to ensure the long-term future of our libraries and their staff.

We would also urge all those who use Shropshire library services to make their views on this matter known to their Shropshire councillor and their MP.

Neil Hancock, On behalf of The Friends of Bridgnorth Library

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