Letter: Central site for A&E unit
The Future Fit committee considering where to site Shropshire's proposed one and only Accident & Emergency Unit seem to us to be slow, expensive and incompetent when the solution they seek is so simple – which of the two sites in question would benefit the greatest number of Shropshire people?
The obvious choice is Shrewsbury, listed in any good atlas to be "close to the centre of the county".
Telford was cobbled together in November 1968 and made a separate unitary authority in 1998 – its self-importance has been thrown in our faces ever since and there seems to be little consideration for the rest of the county over this issue.
Telford's 166,000 population is quite entitled to want the A&E services on its doorstep, but the county's 473,900 population, the bulk of whom will be seriously disadvantaged by increased travel on poor Shropshire roads should the Telford site be chosen, ought to be listened to.
Bob Wydell, Oswestry