Shropshire Star

Letter: Nothing but praise for Royal Shrewsbury Hospital treatment

As I become more and more despondent at the increasing volume of NHS criticism, I am happy to write a personal recommendation just for a change.


Today, I visited the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital Audiology Department as my hearing aid had ceased to function. Being greeted courteously, I signed in for the clinic. Within five minutes, I was called by Chris, a very pleasant young man, who spotted the trouble at once and with great skill proceeded to repair the device. I mentioned that I had an aid for my left ear which I had not used for a considerable time.

In a trice Chris adjusted it, fitted it, and for the first time in years, I was swamped in sound. Chris then provided me with a supply of replacement batteries and wished me well. I departed with great joy.

Wishing to give praise where deserved I hesitated to write this letter lest it be seized upon by the vast number of anti-NHS people in our lovely town, dreading that they may say: "What's this! We're giving too good a service to people – let's cut it along with the myriad of other services".

However, fairness prevailed, and I would be obliged if you could publish my letter which I hope goes a little way to express my grateful thanks to Chris, the RSH and the NHS.

Patrick J Clarke, Shrewsbury

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