Letter: Don't put your trust in failed David Cameron
We now know that failed negotiator David Cameron has realised that the sensible British majority are mindful to vote out of this, also failed, undemocratic conglomerate called the European Union.
His decision to spend in excess of £9,000,000 to send a glossy leaflet to every household in the country in order to scaremonger people into voting to stay will surely backfire. This Prime Minister and his cohort Osborne have cut money to needy people all over the UK and yet he sees fit to squander cash on a propaganda sheet that he does not even have the bottle to put his name to.
One thing that is entirely clear is that if, as I believe, the people decide to leave this failed club then clearly Cameron is not the man to handle negotiations and the Tory Party will have to do something about it.
The British people have paid enough and if we stop our massive payments into the bottomless pit that we know as the EU we just might be able to save our NHS and other services and possibly increase managed overseas aid to developing countries.
Multi-millionaire David Cameron knows nothing about the needs of the men and women in the street. He very carefully said that he doesn't now have money invested off shore to avoid tax but he did not deny previous family involvement.
Don't trust him – vote to leave.
Adrian Williams, Bratton