Letter: An open letter to inconsiderate parkers
This is an open letter to the parents of young people attending Priory School in Shrewsbury.

Are your offspring so delicate that they are unable to walk a few yards to the school gate thereby necessitating you stopping your cars without warning on the zigzag lined area outside the school?
The following is an extract from the Ask the Police website concerning these lines outside schools: "The zigzag lines are accompanied by a traffic regulation order which does make it an offence to park there".
Fortunately today I was only a pedestrian but the implications to road users of this practice is a disaster waiting to happen. Several cars had to negotiate parked vehicles in heavy traffic whose drivers had stopped to let out extremely healthy looking youngsters directly outside the school gates.
One such driver responded to another motorist who objected to this with a well-known two finger gesture in full view of said youngster which clearly shows the complete lack of respect for others. Also explains why the youngster found it extremely funny. Children learn from their parents.
The surprising thing here is that there are school staff positioned at the top of the ramp at the school who seem not to notice the extreme danger in front of their eyes.
Shrewsbury is currently awash with roadworks and really this additional problem for drivers trying to get into town is so unnecessary. Where are the responsible drivers/parents?
Mr P Pritchard, Shrewsbury
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