Letter: American war dead does not give Obama right to preach
During his recent visit to the UK President Obama strongly pressed that we opt to stay in the European Union.
He indicated that the large number of American servicemen who lost their lives in Europe during the Second World War and sadly found their last resting place in Britain, fought to defeat fascism in the hope that victory would bring reconciliation and democracy to Europe.
It has largely achieved the former and long may this continue. But there is a sad lack of democracy. Only lip service to it through an elected European Parliament.
In his support for the stay in Europe campaign he has not mentioned the undemocratic method of government operated by the EU nor its lack of audited accounts for more than 10 years.
The American system is lodged firmly on representation of the people by the people and by the rule of laws which respect the individual. I wonder where each of these ideas originated from? Maybe Britain and particularly the Scottish and Scottish emigre part thereof.
Why therefore ask us to accept a system of rule by an unelected committee.
He mentions that trade would be lost between us and would be difficult to recover. This could be a blessing if TTIP currently under secret discussion between the EU and the United States is approved. Who wants an American court or any other to have the power to allow businesses to sue European Governments if the decisions of such governments go counter to their wishes?
To even consider giving such power which would negate rule by elected government and lead to corporate dictatorship, is unbelievable! Some will cry that the content of this letter is anti American, as an 84-year-old I can well remember the great debt we owe America for their support during the Second World War and its aftermath.
For the EU to claim ownership of this survival and even worse to claim that they are responsible for peace in Europe since the Second World War is laughable. Peace in the former Yugoslavia? Where a civil war was partially triggered by the recognition of Croatian independence.
I am sure Russia is afraid of the military might of the EU, but takes no notice of NATO.
I close with my greatest respect for the American servicemen who served in Europe during the Second World War. To those who lost their lives and were left in our care, to those who survived and hopefully had a long and happy life and to those still living. Also to all the American people for their support from the start of the conflict. Only your friends can criticise so!
Gordon Ireson, Ditton Priors
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