Shropshire Star

Letter: Scandals out in open

According to my dictionary, an injunction is a judicial process restraining from a wrongful act. Is this not just what the person or persons have been found to be doing?


The very people who apply for these injunctions are the very ones who thrive on publicity, advertising and interviews themselves.

Just as soon as the papers find out about their moral wrongdoing they then do not wish this to be made public, as it may harm their livelihood, or their family.

Just let us take this to an extreme. We the public are asked to vote for over 600 Members of Parliament, with very little truthful knowledge of their background, as all the leaflet publications handed out prior to an election, always portray the candidates as a squeaky, clean as snow person, but when you look back at the expense scandals of years gone by, and some of the scandals that have come to light since this, portrays them in a very different light.

We should be given their full background without any whitewashing, and if they are then elected should any misdeeds come to light that were not mentioned before the election, then the person concerned should resign immediately and a by-election follow.

I can then see parliament operating on a shoestring, and a party that held a majority at the start of the new term of office could find themselves outvoted.

No one likes their dirty washing shown to the public, especially the members of the establishment and the so called pillars of our society.

But please do not expect any change soon.

K Beddis, Yockleton

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