Shropshire Star

Letter: Let down by PM on leaflet

Open letter to the Prime Minister, David Cameron.


In the past I have been a great admirer of yours, but this has now changed! I feel that your "love affair" with the EU has muddled your thinking and clouded your judgment. Any respect I had for your integrity went out of the window when you dipped your fingers into the public purse for more than £9 million to pay for sending some very dubious one-sided propaganda to every household in the UK in order to support our staying in the EU.

The fact that you (very mistakenly) thought that this would be for our own good was not a valid excuse!

If the treasurer of a cricket club who was also a member of a religious cult sent this without the blessing of club members, using some of the money in the belief that this would help to save the world from damnation, he would risk going to jail – and would richly deserve to do so. What you did was no different!

Also a word of advice Prime Minister, be careful of what you want you might get it. If after the June 23 we are still in the EU, they will be back to us for a massive amount of money to help bail out some or all of the countries in southern Europe, who are in an appalling economic mess as a result of being in the EU and the Eurozone.

I do hope that you are still in office so that you may suffer the consequences of the nightmare you would have helped to perpetrate and not leave others to sort it out.

Dennis Woodfine, Malpas

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