Letter: Plan to cut hospital demand
We all should be aware of the A&E debate regarding the closure of one or other of the Shrewsbury or Telford hospitals services.
I understand that the root cause is the difficulty in recruiting suitably qualified people. This has, in turn, led to insufficient staffing levels to maintain the requirement of providing a 24/7 service without amalgamating the two services and so providing medical staff with a little sleep. The choice of which hospital will be chosen is yet to be made.
Our government thinks the cost of the NHS in general is far too high as indeed the cost of all things that could be termed as public services.
It would seem that the great and the good that fill the halls of Shropshire County Council may have in fact resolved some of this issue in an unexpected and novel way in particular those costs of the NHS and in part the costs of public transport.
Firstly, under the pressure from our esteemed national government and the desire of our county council to appear as good, upstanding, obedient, willing members of their own national ruling political party, bus services are to be cut.
Secondly, having removed public transport services this creates a situation that those without their own transport, who are unthinkingly stupid as to live outside the main conurbations will no longer be able to attend hospital.
Ergo, the demand on the hospitals will reduce, in particularly from those groups of people that are unemployed, low waged, those that have the combination of being both old and retired, in fact all those groups demonised by our Conservative masters as being a drain on our welfare system will no longer be able to avail themselves of the said welfare system.
The fact that those requiring medical treatment and fall into the above groups will be at greater risk is, according to the actions of Shropshire County Council, is obviously inconsequential.
But hang on! The government has no money of its own, neither does our local council. It obtains all moneys from tax payers so the things that this money provides does not belong to governments or councils, it belongs to us, the great unwashed taxpayer.
As such isn't it about time we had the power to say, or veto, where this money is spent and where it is not?
Leaving it up to a group of minor bureaucrats elected or not doesn't work, especially those that are, for the most part, unaccountable to the public between elections.
I can hear the cry "naïve" being shouted from the posh county hall windows already, but is it really?
Kevin Jones, Stoke Heath